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[Discussion] La nouvelle bécane.....

Discussion: La nouvelle bécane.....

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  1. Re : La nouvelle bécane..... 
    Date d'inscription
    août 2006
    Roule en
    3 466
    Remercié 2 571 fois pour 878 messages
    Citation Envoyé par aslio Voir le message
    Avoeu: ton enthousiasme proverbial n'est pas loin de m'avoir convaincu, alors que je suis déjà emballé par mes rares expérimentations de l'électrique (taxi hybride, autolib). Ca me donne carrément envie de tester un tel engin, y compris pour mes déplacements urbains.
    Un extrait du Financial Times sur l'avenir radieux des véhicules électriques (pas le temps, ni l'envie, ni les compétences pour traduire) :

    Electric car sales ready to move out of the slow lane

    Fear of running out of battery has not held back the smartphone market. But it has crippled electric cars.
    Now, however, some carmakers are increasingly confident that their electric vehicles are close to overcoming the dreaded “range anxiety”.

    “Batteries are moving forward very, very quickly,” says Vincent Carré, electric car sales and marketing director for Renault, whose electric models include the Zoe compact vehicle, which has a range of about 120 miles.

    “All of what you call range anxiety . . . is already behind us because we know that within a few years we will double the range of the cars, and after [that] we will again add 30 or 40 per cent [more range] before 2020.”

    This implies an average Renault range of more 200 miles — the point at which it is generally accepted that electric vehicles become a viable mass market proposition.

    Analysts say talk of range anxiety being overcome is premature, and highlight how the high cost of batteries is holding back electric cars as niche products. But some carmakers are optimistic these vehicles — one possible means of cutting the world’s greenhouse gas emissions — have finally moved beyond the stage of being confined to early technology adopters.

    “Behind the scenes a fair amount of progress is getting made on these technologies,” says Dan Ammann, president of General Motors, which is working on a 200-mile, electric car called the Bolt that will cost $30,000 after incentives such as discounts or tax breaks. It is due to launch in 2017.

    “More than 200-mile range, $30,000 is [a] really easy thing to explain to people,” he says. “This whole range anxiety . . . all of a sudden now it’s, well, this is accessible and does exactly what I need it to do.”

    In Europe at least, sales of electric cars are starting to make some progress, albeit alongside alternative technologies that are also billed as environmentally-friendly.

    Electric, hybrid and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles are expected to register a 30 per cent increase in European sales in 2015 to 360,000 units, according to LMC Automotive, a forecaster.

    In truth, this demand is coming off a low base — 360,000 equates to 2.5 per cent of all European car sales. And some will be because of the growing popularity of plug-in hybrids, which have electric motors supported by petrol engines to alleviate range anxiety.

    The Europe-wide figures also mask wild variations. In Norway, for instance, electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids accounted for a third of all car sales in the first quarter of 2015, according to IHS Automotive. That’s because of high import tariffs on petrol vehicles.

    In Germany, by contrast, just 25,000 electric vehicles have hit the autobahn so far, despite the government’s target of 1m plug-in sales by 2020.

    As much as consumers have been reluctant to adopt electric vehicles, which are still well below 1 per cent of overall sales in most developed economies, some carmakers have been equally sheepish about throwing their weight behind the technology.

  2. Granturismo a été remercié 2 fois par:

    GO ZEN (25/06/2015), ymo85 (24/06/2015)

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